Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Lego Saturn V

Recently I had a weekend in London after visiting Harry Potter world in Watford.  I took the opportunity to visit the Lego store in Leicester Square and I could not leave empty handed....

On the train back

The model consists of twelve bags of [parts each corresponding to s section in the build manual.  Incidentally the build manual is superb giving a background of the real Saturn V and how this particular kit came into being.

I decided to take photographs of the knolled parts for each bag and the end result with some extra images thrown in at certain key stages (pun intended!).

The contents of the box laid out

I started by Knolling each bag and then building that bag.

Here are some pictures of the knolled bags

And some pictures of the work in progress

Stage 1 complete

Stage 2 complete

Stages 1 and 2 side by side

Stages 1 and 2 stacked

Stages 1, 2 and 3 with the command and service modules and the escape tower

The completed build

The CM and LEM

And pride of place by the fire in the lounge

All in all great fun to build and it looks great when done.